Dog barking is an audible yet quite typical method of dog communication. However, if your dog is barking a lot or for extended periods of time, it may not only be bothersome for you (and your neighbours) but also an indication of more serious problems your dog is facing.
Early intervention is crucial to stop normal barking or the causes of barking from becoming more harmful. Dog training also plays a vital role in excessive dog barking, a trained dog usually avoids excess barking!
Top 5 suggestions for controlling dog barking
Understanding why your dog is barking in the first place is essential for decreasing and even avoiding barking.
When you understand why your dog barks, you may demonstrate to them that they can achieve their goals by acting in a more subdued, calmer manner.
Additionally, you might be able to alter the environment in which your dog lives to make them less inclined to bark.
1. Avoid yelling at your dog
Never yell at your dog for barking, even if it is annoying. They could get scared or perplexed about you if you reprimand them. This might worsen the situation by causing them to bark more in alarm or bewilderment.
Some dogs could even hear you yelling along with them as you join in and make noise.
2. Steer clear of anything frightful to your dog
If your dog is barking out of fear, make every effort to keep them away from the frightening situation. For instance, cover the window if your dog barks at onlookers through it to obscure their vision.
Try to avoid leaving them as much as you can until you can educate them that it's okay to be left alone if they bark when they're left alone out of fear. Think about hiring a dog walker or pet caretaker.
In order to identify their specific fears and assist them in altering their emotions, fearful dogs may require additional assistance from a behaviourist.
3. Teach your dog more peaceful methods to communicate with you
Teach your dog that being quieter and safer will have the same effect if they are barking for a specific purpose, such as to encourage another dog to leave them alone.
For instance, your dog is unable to bark and smell simultaneously. So it may be highly effective to stop them from barking by directing their attention to the floor where they can smell some yummy goodies. They will learn that ignoring something without barking has a better result if you do this repeatedly.
4. Ensure that your dog exercises regularly.
If your dog is bored and doesn't receive enough mental or physical activity, they may bark more frequently. Make sure you spend quality time every day engaging and exercising your dog.
Giving your friend a tonne of enjoyable activities will keep them from becoming bored and will be a tonne of fun for you both.
5. Avoid rewarding your dog when they bark.
Instead, commend them for being silent. If your dog barks at mealtimes, ignore them and don't feed them until the barking stops. When you know you'll be making them a snack, plan ahead and divert their attention by providing them a toy.
Ignore your dog if it barks at you to play with them. Turn away from your dog or leave the room and carry out another task. Pick up a toy and ask them to play when they are quiet; a good game is a great incentive to stay quiet.
Barking for something positive to occur
Dogs might learn that barking is an effective technique to grab our attention right away. Because they like to be seen and spoken to, even instructing them to be quiet may be fruitful.
When their food is being prepared, or at mealtimes in general, other dogs may learn to bark. Who doesn't become delighted while they are preparing a wonderful meal?
If they receive their food while they are barking, they will probably bark again the following time since they will associate barking with receiving their food.
Similar to how some dogs get thrilled when they eat, some dogs can't get enough playing. They could learn to bark whenever they want us to play with them if it leads to a good time.
Barking while alone or at night
When dogs are upset about being left alone, they may howl or bark in an effort to find their owners.
Dogs are by nature gregarious creatures. However, the majority of owners have obligations, which means their pets may be left alone at home throughout the day. Additionally, some owners like having their dogs rest in a different room of the house.
This might be frightening or irritating if your dog hasn't been taught that being by themselves is an acceptable part of life.
If your dog is barking when you get home, it could think that barking was a nice thing to do since it brought you home. It won't work to simply ignore your dog's barking when they are left alone and wait for them to finish before coming back since it won't alter how they feel about being left alone.
A crucial first step in preventing your dog from barking when you're not home is teaching them to unwind when alone.
Barking to stop terrible things from occurring
Whether the threat is genuine or not, when your dog is scared of anything and feels threatened, they may bark to try to scare it away. Your dog will learn to bark again the next time they wish to feel secure if they discover that barking gets rid of the scary object. For instance, the postman coming up the walk and shoving letters through the door could scare certain dogs.
If they began to bark as the mail carrier approached, they would believe that their barking caused them to turn and leave. Barking appears to work since your dog has no way of knowing that they were already planning to go.
In order for us to act to make them feel comfortable, dogs that are concerned about anything nearby may also bark to "inform us" that this "thing" is around. It can be something we are completely unaware of that they have seen, heard, felt, or scented.