
Puppy Deworming: Schedule and First-Time Experience

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Garima Kaushal

Updated on: Sat, 05 Oct, 2024

5 min read

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Puppies are adventurous little creatures. They wander around, sniff everything, lick, and slurp everything they encounter. While at it, there are dangerous parasites and worms that can get into their system.

Puppy Deworming is the process that involves safeguarding your puppy from these harmful creatures that make your puppy sick. In this article, you’ll learn everything you need to know about deworming.

You'll find everything here from the types of worms and how they harm your furry ball of love to the medications involved in the process. So let’s dive in!

Why Deworm Your Puppy?

You should deworm your puppy because they have a weak and immature immune system. In fact, they should be dewormed as early as 2 weeks. In many cases, puppies adopt the worms present in their lactating mothers. This can pose serious damage to the puppy’s health.

Here are 5 more reasons why you should deworm your puppy without fail:

  1. Parasite prevention: Deworming protects puppies from internal parasites like roundworms, hookworms, whipworms, and tapeworms.
  2. Health and growth: It prevents malnutrition, anemia, and weight loss, and supports proper growth and development in puppies.
  3. Human health: Regular deworming reduces the risk of zoonotic transmission, protecting the health of the puppy's human family members.
  4. Controlling transmission: Deworming your puppy will break the cycle of parasite transmission, preventing further contamination of the environment and other animals.
  5. Veterinarian recommendation: Deworming is a vital part of preventive healthcare advised by veterinarians to ensure the overall well-being of puppies.

10 Symptoms of Worms in Puppies

If your furry friend has been acting a little weird lately. Maybe you should check for symptoms of worms. Here are the 10 most common symptoms of worms in puppies:

  1. Change in appetite
  2. Lethargy & decrease in activity
  3. Vomiting
  4. Scooting
  5. Diarrhea
  6. Coughing
  7. Dull Coat
  8. Potbelly Appearance
  9. Skin problems
  10. Worms in feces

4 Types of Worms Or Parasites

There are mainly 4 types of parasites that require puppies to get dewormed. Let’s look at each of them in detail with the dangers they cause:

1. Roundworm (Toxocara canis)

  • Long, white or pale worms
  • Cylindrical shape
  • Spaghetti-like appearance
  • Grows up to 7 inches (18 cm) in length

Where are they found?

Roundworms commonly inhabit the intestines of puppies and adult dogs. Puppies can contract them from their infected mother or by ingesting contaminated soil or feces.

How it affects your puppy?

Roundworms can lead to poor growth, a potbellied appearance, and a dull coat in puppies. They consume nutrients from the puppy's intestines, causing malnutrition.

In severe infestations, roundworms can cause intestinal blockage, vomiting, and diarrhea. Additionally, certain roundworm species can be transmitted to humans, posing a risk to human health.

2. Whipworm (Trichuris vulpis)

  • Small, thread-like worms
  • Narrow anterior end and a thicker posterior end
  • Measures about 1 to 2 inches (4-5 cm) in length

Where are they found?

Whipworms reside in the large intestine of infected puppies. They deposit eggs in the soil through the puppy's feces, leading to environmental contamination.

How it affects your puppy?

Whipworm infestations can cause chronic watery diarrhea, weight loss, and dehydration in puppies.

Severe whipworm infections can result in anemia and even damage the lining of the puppy's intestines, leading to more significant health issues.

3. Tapeworm (Dipylidium caninum)

  • Long, flat, and segmented worms
  • Resemble small grains of rice
  • Grows up to 11 inches long

Where are they found?

Puppies acquire tapeworms by ingesting infected fleas or small mammals like rodents. Each segment contains eggs and is shed in the puppy's feces.

How it affects your puppy?

Tapeworm infestations may not always cause obvious symptoms, but segments of the worm may be visible in the puppy's feces or around the anus. They lead to gastrointestinal issues and hamper growth.

While not as immediately dangerous as other parasites, untreated tapeworm infestations can lead to malnutrition and discomfort in puppies.

4. Hookworm (Ancylostoma caninum)

  • Small, thin worms
  • Hook-like mouthparts.
  • Few millimeters long (less than 0.5 inches)

Where are they found?

Hookworms attach to the lining of the puppy's small intestine, where they feed on the puppy's blood. Puppies can acquire them through ingestion or skin penetration.

How it affects your puppy?

Hookworm infestations cause anemia, pale gums, weakness, and dark, tarry stools in puppies.

Severe hookworm infections can be life-threatening, especially in young and small puppies, as they may experience significant blood loss and weakness.

Puppy Deworming Schedule and Procedure



Deworming Treatment

2 weeks

First deworming with a veterinarian

4 weeks

Second deworming with a veterinarian

6 weeks

Third deworming with a veterinarian

8 weeks

Fourth deworming with a veterinarian

6 months

Fifth deworming with a veterinarian

Beyond 6 months

Deworm every 6 months

Deworming your puppies is super important to keep them healthy and happy. Here's a simple schedule to follow:

Deworm them every 2 weeks until they're 8 weeks old, then again at 6 months. Once they're grown ups, switch to deworming every 6 months.

But here's the thing – parasites can be sneaky and love to come back. So, it's smart to use preventative treatment to protect your fur babies. Start deworming early, around 2 weeks old, to beat those pesky parasites before they even get comfortable.

How To Deworm Your Puppy? Procedure

Dewormers can be administered orally as chewable treats, pills, liquids, pastes, and food additives, or through injectable shots given by licensed veterinarians.

Deworming treatments for puppies are easy and effective. A veterinarian will provide or supervise the administration of the puppy wormer for 1-3 days, then repeat it in 2-3 weeks. This ensures all parasite stages are eliminated.

Don't use over-the-counter wormers; consult your vet for the right prescription based on your puppy's needs. Regular check-ups and prevention are essential for a healthy and happy puppy.

Common Deworming Medications and Costs

  • Bayer Drontal Puppy

Cost: Rs. 240

  • Petcare Wormtrap Deworming Syrup for Puppies

Cost: Rs. 260

  • Skyworm Puppy Dewormer Suspension

Cost: Rs. 240

  • All4pets Wormtek Suspension

Cost: Rs. 240

Even though these over-the-counter dewormers are easily available on online shopping sites like Amazon and Flipkart, it is recommended to consult a vet before using them. Your vet would know the best medicine for your puppy after examining them.

Puppy Deworming Side-Effects and AfterCare

Although deworming in puppies does not usually show side effects, in some adverse cases, it might. If the puppy is infected with excessive worms, there might be some illnesses after administering the dewormer.

When a large number of worms are dying altogether inside the intestine of a puppy, the intestinal line can become infected. This can cause side effects like diarrhea, vomiting, and decreased appetite. However, these are usually temporary issues, and puppies typically recover within a day or two.

Deworming AfterCare:

  • Give your puppy some time to rest.
  • Limit playtime
  • Make them comfortable
  • Serve bland food like boiled rice, chicken, and pumpkin for a day or two.

How To Prevent Worms In Puppies?

Here are 5 tips to prevent worms in your puppy:

  1. Follow a regular deworming schedule recommended by your vet.
  2. Keep up with veterinary check-ups and fecal tests.
  3. Maintain a clean living environment and practice good hygiene.
  4. Administer preventative medications as prescribed.
  5. Avoid high-risk areas and infected animals.

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